(Got a bit carried away with the pics today - had a decent internet connection for once! Hope it doesn't take too long to load for you all xx)
Hey all...well I am almost well & truly fed up with Christmas, and it's only the end of October. Everyone else seems to be saying "It's only ???? weeks til christmas" and I'm like "Is it not here already?!!!! We have been working on Christmas projects since the stock arrived in JULY and I am almost all Christmassed out :-( Just as normal people start getting excited about it I am actually looking forward to working on Valentine, Spring & Easter projects!!!!!!
So anyway, back to business...Here's some cards & tags I've made with the free papers from Creative Cardmaking Issue 8 (I think lol!)
I was totally unsure about these papers when I first saw them because they're really quite hot, unchrissmassy colours, but the more I have used them the more I love them! THEY REALLY WORK! (pic of tags a bit rubbish...note to self, read camera manual!)
Also here are pics of my necklace which has been admired far & wide!
And last but not least here's my ma & pa's anniversary card...

It's embossed with a plate from Sizzix...I feel some new wedding designs coming on with this!
Right signing off now! As always would love to hear what you think either with the comments tab or by email at fairy-heaven@hotmail.co.uk
Take care everyone xxxxx