Big post delay I'm afraid...sorry everyone!!! Does anyone have any ideas for magicing up some time? Wasn't it Hermoine in Harry Potter who duplicated herself so she could do more things at once? How did the spell go anyone?.....
I'm busy gluing together brooches at the moment for a craft fair on Saturday at the pub next to the Cat Protection League in Fishcross for anyone who fancys coming to say hi.
Here, finally, are the pictures of the thank you favours we made for little Lewis' christening...

Good old Paper Mill Shop card and the trusty Cricut, and when does gingham ribbon ever go wrong? (or judging by my ribbon stash any sort of ribbon for that matter lol)
Here's a card Daisy & I made for her friend Jennifers 7th birthday....

They went Tubing at the local ski slope and they all LOVED it! Could be a serious consideration for that dreaded 30th of mine next year, when in doubt act like a big kid lol!!
Here's her present, again especially requested by Daisy who chose the papers...I was really pleased with how it turned out and thought the papers were STUNNING!! If my name had been Jennifer I propably wouldn't have parted with it, had enough trouble as it was!

Looking forward to the Class tomorrow night with the Green Stack from DCWV...these papers are so much fun! Have made a whole set of mini notelets with them for the fair in Saturday so will share them afterwards. Also looking forward to the long awaited arrival of the Popcorn Christmas Range in the shop tomorrow!!!! So exciting!!!! We're playing with them at the class next week and can't wait to see some of the creations my oh so talented ladies come up with!
Right back to my glue gun, have a great evening everyone....promise promise promise to post again soon, and if I don't you all have permission to leave me horrible comments chasing me!